Solutions for our partners
Solutions for our partners

Simple, customised quotes and orders for specific tasks
Framework contracts for RDI services
Research cooperation agreements
Expert availability and advice
Premises and instrument rental arrangements
Virtual/physical university-industry thematic research labs and clusters
Complex multi-level corporate cooperation packages (combined with education, research, RDI content)
Examples of our cooperations:
Magnetic Resonance Laboratory - molecular structure analysis, contaminant measurements for leading pharmaceutical companies
Organic and Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry - bioanalytical measurements, purity tests, component mass measurements
X-Ray Fluorescence - support to agriculture - treatment agents, elemental analysis
Meteorology - noise propagation studies
Mineral composition analysis, thermal testsStructural
X-ray - X-ray diffraction measurements
Nanomechanical characterisation - nanoindentation, surface morphology, acoustic emission measurements
Scanning electron microscopy - gold plating of samples